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thought I ought to share it with y'all; See, I've known Oz Tech
for about a decade or so...
------------------BEGIN TRANSMISSION-------------------------------
Dear Walter Five,
Exemplary citation? Surely you jest! I wrote it as a I* Setian
about ten years ago and uploaded to some Fidonet BBS.
Your correspondent is hurting for a straw man. It's hard to
believe people are _still_ passing this thing around. I guess I
should feel proud, to have the work of 15 minutes taken so
Don't they know that the real name of the Prince of Darkness is
Oz the Short & Technical
"A slow winter's day, a night like forever..."
---------------------END TRANSMISSION------------------------------
And there you have it, Dear Friends. Straight from the Straw Man's
It's a small world we live in, no?
Blessed Beast anyway!
Walter Five
- Archives hosted by Setians
- ftp://ftp.xeper.org/pub
Reference: mailto://webmaster@xeper.org
Note: This is the only FTP site both managed by a Priest of
the Temple of Set and dedicated to the Temple of Set at this
time to our knowledge. The reliability of other FTP sites
will be lower -- they will not be as accurate nor current.
As other Setian sites are identified they will be listed at
- Other FTP sites
- FTP://ftp.lysator.liu.se/pub/religion/satanism/ToS
10/1997: the most recent files found were dated 1994.
9/1999: The site URL has changed (capitalization only),
and the most recent files at this time are dated 1996.
It does have a 1994 copy of the Temple's reading list.
- FTP://nic.funet.fi/pub/doc/religion/occult/magick/thelema/ToS
(this is the original slopoke tree moved to funet)
- Obsolete FTP links (no longer useful)
- FTP://etext.archive.umich.edu/pub/Quartz/occult/set
Reference: mailto://ftp@etext.archive.umich.edu (Paul
October, 1997: I could not find the Quartz/occult directory
November, 1997: It appears that all files dealing with
the ToS have been removed from this site because of
their age.
7.6 Those Stories About Us
Despite our general policy of keeping a low profile, sometimes rumors about us
do get spread, generally by people who dislike or fear us for some reason
(perhaps because so little is known about us, or simply because of our
non-Christian belief system, or for other reasons). If anyone (perhaps someone
else at a location of one of our formal meetings, or someone you meet on the
'net, or some other acquaintance) should ask you any of the following
questions, it's good to be able to give them the correct answers.
7.6.1 A Cult?
"Is this a cult?" No. Some people may define "cult" to mean any non-Christian
religion, and then yes, we don't believe in the Christian religion. But most
people reserve the word "cult" to you mean something dangerous to society or
its members, and no, we're not a cult since we are beneficial to our members,
and we're not anti-social by any means.
- One common characteristics of cults (according to most people) is that
they absorb more and more of their members' time until all outside
activities are cut off and the members are dependent upon the cult for
all social contact. As I mentioned in alt.pagan, Wed Jun 19, '96, Subj :
Org Satanism/Christianity (was Re: Shared Mythos (was Re: ...)), in
response to a post by Lupo:
i> I'd be curious as to how much of a Setian social schedule is made up
i> of hanging with the other Setians. It is my impression that, while
i> this is not required, it does somehow end up that an awful lot of
i> time is spent on group related activities, and hanging with others
i> in the ToS. It might not seem so sinister were it the Rotary Club,
i> or Freemasonry, but it is something to look at in a group of
i> "individualists."
I won't make a claim to be representative, but as a sample of one:
- I attend the one annual Conclave whenever I can
- When there's a local pylon, I attend those meetings, generally held
once a month (or less often)
- I somehow manage to get to one or two additional Setian get-togethers
a year.
- I visit another Setian at home for Setian discussion and work perhaps
another 2-3 times a year.
Otherwise, my time is spent with family, friends, co-workers, etc., as
well as working on my Xeper.
I spend probably about as much time umpiring Little League baseball on
the field as I spend with Setians. I spend probably about as much time
playing racquetball with a league as I spend with Setians. I used to
spend a whole lot more time with Mensans at their social gatherings than
I did with Setians during that time, but I've become somewhat less
active within Mensa as other activities have demanded more time. I spend
more time with my family than I do with Setians.
That doesn't count work time, nor work-related social time (going to
lunch with my co-workers, etc).
7.6.2 Satanists?
"Are you Satanists?" Probably not. Some of our people were members of the
Church of Satan in the early 1970's, but we feel our practices and
philosophies have evolved so much past that point that we have little in
common with modern Satanism. Many modern Satanists say we are not
If by "satanism" you mean the worship of a Satan, or anti-Christian belief,
then most definitely we are not, since we do not believe in the Christian god,
Jesus, nor devil, and we have little reason to be "anti-Christian." If by
Satanism you mean an antinomian freedom from the unreasoning limitations of
various elements of society, then by that definition we would qualify. (See
2.3 -- Satanism for more discussion of this question.)
7.6.3 Naziism and Fascism
Are you fascists? Nazis?
- No. See http://www.bigfoot.com/~balanone/nazitrap.html or
http://www.necronomi.com/magic/satanism/fascist.set.txt for one member's
discussion of this question [as of July 6, 1998, the necronomi.com copy
was not found online].
- Because of his activity in the northern traditions, and because of some
strive between groups of Asatruar, Magus Flowers has been the target of
several rumors:
- alt.magick, Date : Jun 23 '95, 12:13, From : Balanone, Subj :
Runes: Edred Thorsson sought
On Jun 21, 1995,
Alex@galdr.demon.co.uk wrote to All
re: Re: Runes: Edred Thorsson sought
Ag> In article
Ag> ba@mrcnext.cso.uiuc.edu "B.A. Davis-Howe" writes:
> ARe you aware that Thorsson is a neo-Nazi Satanist? He is a
> of the neo-Nazi group within the Temple of Set. Now, I'm not
> to say that Satanists don't have the right to freedom of
> as well, but I think it is suspicious that Thorsson/Flowers
> acknowledge that connection (as a bias) in his writings and that
> uses two distinct pen-names to keep his Asatru books separate
> his book (books?) on German magic of the class which some of the
> Nazi party are alledged to have practiced.
Ag> I seem to recall there was some debate not too long ago
Ag> about whether Thorsson is a Nazi or not. Perhaps some
Ag> evidence to back up your statement would be helpful.
Indeed. Counter evidence: As Grand Master of the Order of the
Trapezoid within the Temple of Set, Thorsson has not only welcomed
members of various nationalities and races into the Order, but he
has supported the creation of a Lodge within that Order where the
Lodge Master is a black Priestess (black as in color of skin, as
well as color of magic).
Counter evidence: The Chairman of the Board of Directors of the
Temple of Set is of Jewish descent, as are quite a few others
within the Temple of Set. Thorsson works well with these whenever
areas or directions of activity converge. I am of Jewish descent
myself, and have received some spontaneous gifts from Thorsson
(books or articles he has written) which deal specifically with
areas of my own initiation.
I've been a member of the Temple of Set longer than Thorsson has
been, and in all that time I've never seen nor heard of any sign
of neo-Naziism on Thorsson's part.
- alt.pagan, Date : Oct 14 '94, 16:42, From : mimir@io.com (Al
Billings), Subj : Re: Asatru
I could speak from an official capacity. I'm a Godman in the Ring
and the Steward for the State of Washington. I can, offically, say [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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