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women, and I am happy that my discovery of MHVs was revealed in such a beautiful way: les fesses
d'une japonaise (the buttocks of a Japanese woman!)... Ouh l�, l� . Scientific discovery through
buttocks! I hope this will never disappear from textbooks in the future!!! The buttocks have always been
one of my favourite sweets of women's anatomy. Men have achieved a lot of things in History in the
name of buttocks! This is not well enough emphasised. Who knows now that, for instance, one of the
greatest achievements of the British Empire was done because of a woman? It was for a woman that Pitt
successfully destroyed New-France and French America!!! Each success he had against the French he
would report to his wife in loving terms... like sweet presents for her so to show her that he was a real
macho, someone to be admired and respected! Unfortunately, all that was made at the cost of blood,
invasions, murders, and usurpations!
So, as I said, women's buttocks are essential in human History! At least, in my personal case, the end-
result of my admiration for beautiful "fesses" is made at no cost at all: it is totally pacific and will be
useful for all mankind! Another observation which perplexed me for perhaps two years before I solved it
was an observation which I made in a dream (Hobson has it in Harvard, like the buttocks too...). In that
conscious dream I was in front of a table and on the table was a blue fish. I seized the fish in my right
hand and when I reopened my hand the fish had transformed into... a blue mouse with globulous fish
eyes. I was extremely puzzled about how two dissimilar shapes could be connected as I was convinced
that there was an underlying logical link between these two informational objects. Thinking obsessively
about that only gave me headaches while I was attempting to make theoretical models to explain this
transformation. And, one day, while I was walking through a market in B�ngkoc (Siam), with my great
love Patan�e Pongpatchamn�nou�te, I started to have a "fit of creativity"! Looking at all the fruits
surrounding me I started to imagine them radiating, bubbling with MHVs. It was all beautiful. Suddenly, I
saw in my mind the 3D image of a rotating fish and a rotating mouse which interpenetrated while in
rotation. Then the rotation froze and here I could clearly see a common intersection between the fish
shape and the mouse shape (see drawing)! At last I had found the underlying connection I was looking
for, which was of course a peculiar MHV contained in both the fish shape and the mouse shape, as you
can see in the illustration. That was a nice day but very soon my attention came back to my cherished
Patan�e who reminded me of some fruits in the market called "manco�tes". The love of Patan�e was
essential in my work and creativity and love was very often totally intertwined. Et c'est pour toi,
notamment, ma Patan�e ch�rie, que j'�cris ces lignes. C'est mon cadeau car toutes les femmes aiment �tre
fi�res de leur Amant! Je ne veux pas que l'Histoire oublie � quel point tu as �t� mon inspiration, comme
Hiro�, Kazou� avant, Miyouqui. Je veux que l'on se rende compte que la cr�ativit� est intimement li�e �
la joie... et � l'absence de toute militarisation hi�rarchique de la Science qui n'est que la fille naturelle de
la Philosophie: la Philosophie Naturelle.
Cannabinoid receptors, anandamide, illusion and schizophrenia
Illusion is the basic phenomenon involved in schizophrenia. Delta 9-THC is the main illusiogenic
component of cannabis and an agonist at central cannabinoid receptors. This means that cannabinoid
receptors could play a pivotal role in the induction of schizophrenia. The natural ligand of cannabinoid
receptors, anandamide, is also an agonist at those receptors. Moreover, recently, it has been found that
anandamide and Delta 9-THC decrease glutamate neurotransmission through a presynaptic mechanism.
This could, conceivably, give rise to the same phenomena observed with typical NMDA receptors
antagonists such as ketamine and phencyclidine, namely hallucinations and especially illusions. The
action of anandamide on glutamate seems to be an ideal underlying phenomenon which could give rise to
illusions such as those observed with cannabinoids and NMDA antagonists. Anandamidic
neurotransmission should be disturbed in schizophrenics, especially in the hippocampus which is the link
between real memory and its transfer to exoreality. In fact, as far as illusions are concerned, anandamidic
disturbance should be the main primary cause of schizoprenia. Increased anandamidic function could
decrease glutamate neurotransmission at NMDA receptors which, in turn, would increase metabolic
activity through dopaminergic stimulation. Dopaminergic stimulation would then be the final end-result
of anandamidic dysfunction, leading to both hallucinations and illusions through metabolic activation of
memory zones.
Creativity is a process of spontaneous informational self-
Memory is a "structure informationnelle auto-organisatrice", that is, a self-organising structure. This
means that the content of memory spontaneously reorders itself to make more complex informational
structures. This is done through the continuous interaction/synthesis phenomenon I just described, going
on in the homologous pattern domains which, progressively, complexifies the information stored in
biological memories. This is the very essence of creativity where new ideas suddenly visually appear
when they are sufficiently self-organised. Biological memories constantly create order, through
interaction/synthesis in homologous pattern domains. Then one level or order proceeds to a higher level,
and so on. Cannabinoids can stimulate this natural phenomenon by enhancing the metabolism of memory
areas. This does not mean that everyone can become creative with cannabinoids because, in order to be
creative, you need to study and accumulate a lot of conflicting data in your memory and you need to be
able to visually observe the progress of your memory in creating higher and higher order. Moreover, as [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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