man. It was laughable really. He was divorcing her and she called I am well now, yes. She kissed him.
him a good man. He cringed at the situation he found himself in. Hamish said you
Yet, despite his unfavourable position, he could no longer change it Isabelle stilled. Hamish? What did he say?
even if he wanted to. A life without Isabelle was no life at all. His He kissed her eyelids. He said you had recovered. I ve been so
groin tightened at the thought of her. He needed to hold her, kiss worried. Your father wouldn t let me see you.
and caress her, to fill her body with his. Smothering a moan of want, No. She hung her head back and he seared a fire-hot trail of
he threw back the blankets and jumped out of bed. It had been so kisses down her throat.
long since he d been able to see her that his mind was alive with her I love you so much, darling girl.
image and his body was on fire with yearning. She gently pulled at his bottom lip with her teeth and then traced
On impulse, he dressed, and then, carrying his boots, he swiftly its outline with her tongue. And I you, my love.
descended the staircase and headed along the corridor to the back It s unbearable being without you, I cannot go on.
entrance of the house. We must at least for a little while longer.
Ethan groaned deep in his chest. I need you, Isabelle. You make
A tinkering noise woke Isabelle from her fitful slumber. She lay me whole.
quiet, listening for sounds from her father s bedroom. Her room I know, my heart, I know.
was fully dark and she guessed the time to be around three o clock. He backed her into the scullery and closed the door. Pressing her
The cockerel always started crowing around four, before dawn had against the cold stone wall, his hot mouth sucked her nipple
even broken. through her thin cotton nightdress. The feeling was so sensual,
The noise came again; a ping against the window. Frowning, she Isabelle moaned, writhing against him. Her hands fluttered around
left the bed and moved the threadbare curtain aside. She leapt back his crotch, trying to find his trouser fastenings, but his assault on
as something hit the window right before her face. Heart thumping, her body sent her mind spinning away from any coherent action.
she stepped closer and looked down. A dark shape, a figure, moved His hands cupped her breasts. Urgency came into his move-
below, it straightened and raised its arm again. A rain of pebbles ments. Panting slightly, he bunched her nightgown up around her
tapped against the windowpane. Sliding the window up, Isabelle hips. She was naked underneath and his fingers slid over her belly
leaned out, her stomach clenching with excitement. and down, seeking her moist warmth. He explored her inner core
Ethan? with his fingers, softly, slowly, building within her a raging torrent
Let me in. of sensations.
Biting her lip to stop a grin from spreading, she closed the Ethan . . . She arched against him, desperate for completeness.
window and ran from the room. Downstairs, she hastily lit the Christ, I must have you, Isabelle. His groan was guttural.
candle on the kitchen table and then unbolted the back door. Before In an instant he had freed himself from his trousers and she
she could speak Ethan had her in his arms and was kissing her thor- opened her legs for him, wanting him more than air at that
oughly. moment. The cold stone scratching into her back was forgotten as
She pulled back. What are you doing here at this hour? he thrust into her, filling her, expanding her. She grasped his hair,
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curving herself into him, accepting and yet wanting more of him her throat for she knew that such a move was beyond them. They
inside her. His tongue caressed hers as he strained, pulling her onto had families, responsibilities. Running away sounded so simple,
him as though he couldn t get enough. Her body lifted, her mind but was, in all honesty impossible.
separated from reality. Closer and closer she surged. Then, when
she thought she couldn t stand it another moment, he thrust harder, Isabelle wearily pushed her hair away from her face and leant her [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]